Favorite Angels


I am no expert on Abrahamic mythology. I like it, sure, but I'm no expert. I'm neither Christian, Jewish or Islamic, only autistic. Please forgive any inaccuracies.

"And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azazel, to him ascribe all sin."

-The Book of Enoch

Look at this guy. I love him so much.

In an ancient Jewish ritual, two goats would be prepared for sacrifice. One would go to God, and one would be led off into the wilderness "for Azazel." This second goat would carry the sins of the peopleā€”a scapegoat. Later, Azazel is an angel in the Book of Enoch. He falls in love with humans and sires Neplilim, and also teaches weapon making, witchcraft, and makeup. All in all, a pretty decent skillset (sex, makeup, swords). Of course, God doesn't like this, so he sends a flood to wipe out humanity and the Nephilim, and has Azazel imprisoned under a mountain.